
A Circle of support for your clients/patient/customer

Contacts in FieldWorker

FieldWorker allows you to capture a 360-degree view of your client, or customer. You can capture the entire support system around a patient, including family, friends, and other support providers. This basically involves anyone you or your team may need to contact in the course of delivering care or working with a specific client, and acts as one central place for all contact details.

Contacts may only be associated with one specific customer, with their relation to the customer specified. Alternatively, you have the option to add contacts unrelated to any of your customers. Such contacts (e.g. group home admins) may be working with many customers. If you need to edit any details or associate them with one of your customers at a later date, it's easy to change their records as required.

All contacts for your company are accessible via the Contacts section on the left navigation bar.

You can select and edit details about any existing contacts, and remove contacts you no longer need in your records.

Users with an admin or manager role can add new contacts by going to New and selecting Contact from the left sidebar.

Basic contact information about a contact, such as a name, address, email address, and phone number is captured for each contact.

You can also record the following:

  • Their designation, including the relationship with the customer.

  • If this contact is associated with any specific customer.

  • If this contact is an active contact (or a past contact).

  • The type of the contact, if available.

The fieldworker currently supports the following types of contacts.

  1. Patient

  2. Guardian

  3. Service Provider

  4. Spouse

  5. Friend

  6. Support

  7. Family

Based on your agency's requirements, this list can be customized.

The system also records the first date of contact with this person as well as the most recent date of contact from your team.

How to add a contact?

This is the main table about the contacts associated with a customer.


CONTACT_ID // auto-generated


CONTACT_TYPE // from the options list



All details about various contacts are added here.


CUST_CONTACT_ID // auto-generated






CONTACT_LASTTOUCHDATE //auto-updated by the app for the current date

Last updated