Terms related to FieldWorker explained
Active Plan Version
When setting up a project, you'll be able to specify the "Active Plan Version". This is the current version of the plan and allows you to add an ID related to the plan in keeping with your own workflows and project-tracking practices.
Acuity Factor
modifier added to the tier for individuals with high clinical support needs based on medical and/or behavioral concerns, notated by “a” next to the tier assignment. The acuity factor can also impact the rate and/or unit of a service base rate for services where that may be applicable.
One of the user roles on FieldWorker. There is typically one admin user, and they are responsible for setting up their agency on the platform, being the contact person, and inviting their team. Admin users will be able to see a complete overview of their entire team’s tasks, work, and agency insights via dashboards, which aren’t viewable to users with other roles. Read more about the different user roles here.
On FieldWorker, “artifact” refers to any documentation, photos, or screenshots that you can upload as part of recording information for any given task. Read more about uploading documentation here.
Azure refers to services offered by Microsoft, which FieldWorker uses for setting up and logging into FieldWorker. We use Azure to ensure accounts are secure and HIPAA-compliant. When you sign up, you'll receive an email with credentials to access your account. These are created via Microsoft Azure. Learn more about creating an account and how to sign in with Microsoft here.
This refers to any individual who helps a person with their day-to-day activities and life. Caregivers may be paid or unpaid and can refer to professionals as well as family members or friends responsible for delivering care within an individual's own support network.
Case Notes
Case notes are records made by social workers and care providers any time they visit a patient. These may include information on how an individual is progressing and any of their changing needs, in addition to any formal observations. Learn more about case notes with FieldWorker here.
A checklist is one of the types of tasks you can set on FieldWorker. It can be used to set out a sequence of smaller steps needed to complete a larger task and is useful for breaking down work into manageable milestones. Learn how to set up checklists on FieldWorker here.
On FieldWorker, the client refers to your patients – or anyone who receives care or services from your team and organization. An adult age 21 or older who has been determined to be eligible to receive services funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Learn how to add clients to FieldWorker here.
Contacts on the FieldWorker platform refer to any individuals or professionals within the support network of any of your clients. You may need to contact them at some point in the care delivery process for an individual, so we have a space for you to record their details in addition to their relationship with any of your patients. Contacts can also be used to record details for prospective clients or other professionals for networking. Learn how to add and update contact info here.
Your dashboard is your mission control! For all FieldWorker users, the dashboard is where they can see an overview of all their current and upcoming tasks. For admins, there are additional dashboards with insights and overviews of the business overall. Read more about the benefits of admin dashboards here.
One of the user roles on FieldWorker. Employees typically belong to a team under a specific manager, and have access to their own tasks, projects, and associated info. Read more about the different user roles here.
EVV stands for Electronic Visit Verification, and it’s a method required in some states to verify home visits. This requires that certain information be recorded for each visit, which must then be sent to an aggregator for each specific state. FieldWorker has an in-built EVV, meaning required information can be simply and automatically captured and passed along to the relevant aggregator. For states in which EVV isn’t a requirement, it can still be advantageous for agencies to make use of it as it ensures records are comprehensive, complete, and accurate. Learn more about EVV compliance with FieldWorker here.
Group Home
living arrangements operated in residences leased or owned by the licensee, regardless of any underlying residency agreement with the individual(s) served, which provide the opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities to live together in a home, sharing in chores and the overall management of the residence.
HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, from 1996, and represents a series of federal regulations outlining the use and disclosure of sensitive and protected personal health information in the US. FieldWorker has been designed and built to comply with HIPAA, meaning you can rely on your records being safe and secure. Read about HIPAA compliance with FieldWorker here.
Import Data
When you set up your agency with FieldWorker, you have the option to import your existing data from iRecord. To do this, you’ll need to download your data as a type of file known as a CSV. You can find more about how to do this here. Learn more about importing your existing data here.
Initial Plan
NJ DDD defines (assigns) the status as 'Initial Plan' for plans automatically assigned to active participants with no active plan within the last year or a new plan is auto-generated for an active participant in W status 30 days prior to the end of the plan term of an approved plan. The initial plan is due to be completed within 30 days from the date of assignment to SC Agency.
ISP stands for Individual Service Plan and contains details of the support and resources needed for an individual receiving care to achieve their own personal outcomes. These are typically set out for a year, and on FieldWorker, correspond with “Projects”. This means you can include your ISPs in the “Projects” section of the FieldWorker platform. Learn more about setting up projects and tasks here.
On FieldWorker, you’ll be able to record locations corresponding to where you and your team deliver care in your communities. Learn about how location is recorded when you check in and out of visits here.
One of the user roles on FieldWorker. Managers have access to their own tasks in addition to overviews of their direct reports’ tasks and timesheets and are able to delegate tasks to their team members. Read more about the different user roles here.
Microsoft Login
To ensure FieldWorker keeps sensitive information secure, we use Microsoft login to create your account. This means when you sign up, you’ll be sent an invitation email with new login details via Microsoft, and you’ll need to use these to log in rather than your personal email. Any team members you invite will also receive their own details from Microsoft. Learn how to get your account set up here.
Pay Period
Pay periods are recurring time periods for which employee wages are calculated and paid. The most common pay periods are weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, and monthly.
With 52 work weeks in a year, pay periods generally add up as follows:
Weekly: 52 pay periods per year
Biweekly: 26 pay periods per year
Semi-monthly: 24 pay periods per year
Monthly: 12 pay periods per year
Prior Authorization
the approval – obtained prior to service delivery – that details start/end dates, number of units, and procedure codes authorized in order for the identified provider(s) to receive payment for services once they have been rendered.
Procedure Code
These codes are used to specify to which procedures tasks and projects relate to. Your agency may have its own codes for specific procedures, and when setting tasks, you’ll be able to add a procedure code.
Projects on the FieldWorker platform broadly correspond with larger units of work or ISPs for specific patients. When you’ve set up a project, you’ll be able to set tasks that fall within the scope of a project, which could, for example, relate to visits as part of an ISP. Learn more about setting up projects and tasks here.
There are 3 different kinds of users on the FIeldWorker platform, and these roles relate to the amount of information and features you’ll be able to access. These roles are admins, who have access to all information across the team, managers, who can access and delegate tasks to their teams, and employees, who can access their own tasks and information related to these. Read more about the different user roles here.
Service Provider
the entity or individual who will provide the waiver service(s) indicated in the ISP. Service providers must meet the qualifications and standards related to the service(s) being offered.
This is a type of technology where you can dictate something and have it recorded as text. FieldWorker uses this for case notes, meaning you are able to dictate your case notes and have them automatically recorded as text. This greatly speeds up the process of updating case notes! Learn more about dictating your case notes here.
Support Coordination Agency (SCA)
an organization approved by Medicaid and the Division of Developmental Disabilities to provide services that assist participants in gaining access to needed program and state plan services, as well as needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
Support Coordination Supervisor (SCS)
the professional within a Support Coordination Agency that provides oversight and management of the Support Coordinators and approves ISPs.
Support Coordinator (SC)
the professional responsible for developing and maintaining the Individualized Service Plan with the participant, their family, and other team members; linking the individual to needed services; and monitoring the provision of services included in the Individualized Service Plan.
Tasks are small units of work or individual steps as part of larger projects. On the FieldWorker platform, you can create tasks for your team as part of larger projects or ISPs, and these may correspond with an individual visit or process. Learn more about setting up projects and tasks here.
an assigned descriptor, based on support needs determined through the NJ CAT, that determines the individual budget and reimbursement rate a provider will receive for that individual for particular services.
Timesheets are a collection of all time entries for tasks and activities your team has completed within a specific time period. These are then used for billing and invoicing. FieldWorker allows your team to check in and out of tasks with the press of a button, and doing so automatically creates a timesheet entry. Learn more about how to view and amend timesheets here.
User ID
To log into your FieldWorker account, you'll need to use your User ID. You'll receive this in an email on sign-up, and if you forget it, you can recover it from the sign-in page. Your User ID may look like an email address, but it is not an email – it is a specific ID that you will use to access your FieldWorker account. Read more about setting up your account and receiving your User ID here.
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