One page to manage your entire revenue cycle
The Fieldworker platform lets you manage the revenue cycle in multiple ways. The Billing page is the primary entry point for managing all Billing-related functionality. All admins in your company will have access to this report.
Accounts Receivable
This dashboard lists all expected (or estimated) revenue for the selected month, from your client population. For NJ Support Coordination companies, the expected revenue is estimated based on the client population and their plan status. The dashboard is built using a data grid and honors all functionality described here.
This is a key dashboard for managing your receivables and tracking them across payers and over the period.
The dashboard has the following columns.
Customer Name
Plan Version
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Proc Code
Unit (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Rate (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Total (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Account Code (classification leading to the calculation of expected revenue)
Post Date (date on which the entry was posted the first time)
Prior Auth Status (matching of prior auth entry, where available. User can assign status for entries if there is no prior auth available)
Payment Status (where available. Users can assign status for entries if there is no claim status available)
Payment Date (where available)
Notes (where available. Users can edit and/or append a note)
Users can select, download, and print any combination of the data, as needed.
Prior Authorization
This dashboard lists all prior authorizations, as received for the selected month, for your client population. For NJ Support Coordination companies, the prior authorization entries are matched with an appropriate task and its associated monitoring tool. The companies can access associated MT and can also list its status. The dashboard is built using a data grid and honors all functionality described here.
The dashboard has the following columns.
Patient Name
Medicaid ID
Prior Auth (number, when available)
Proc Code
Diagnosis Code (key validation if your payer is Medicaid)
Task Start Date (of the matched task, where available)
Task End Date (of the matched task, where available)
Auth Units (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Auth Amount (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Total Charges (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Task Title (of the matched task, where available)
Task Type (of the matched task, where available)
Task Date (of the matched task, where available)
Status (matching of prior auth entry, where available)
Claim Status (where available)
MMT (link to the MT associated with the matched task, where available)
MT Status (associated with the matched MT, where available)
Error Code (where available)
Error Description (where available)
Users can upload their monthly authorization file for populating this dashboard, and also improving the quality of the accounts receivable, as well as the revenue cycle.
Users can select, download, and print any combination of the data, as needed.
Change Capture
The change capture is a key control process in the Fieldworker platform that allows a company to track changes in their client population and their plans including attrition. When coupled with other processes, this can quickly let you discover
any missing claims, yet to be submitted
any claims that may have been incorrectly submitted
The claims dashboard is the key interface if your agency is only using the Fieldworker Billing functionality, without necessarily utilizing the entire revenue cycle with in the platform. The claims submitted from the Prior Auth dashboard (after being duly matched against a prior auth entry, and having an approved MT, for NJ Support Coordination agencies) will also be available in this dashboard.
For companies/agencies, not utilizing full revenue cycle, the claims may be directly uploaded here.
The Claims dashboard applies several validations and verifies if a claim is ready to be submitted. This is done to ensure swift payment on the first submission itself. The dashboard also allows editing a few columns, to correct validation errors. All validated claims can be easily submitted to your payer (Medicaid) using a single click.
The dashboard has the following columns.
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Prior Authorization (number, mandatory, and should be in a correct format)
Diagnosis Code (key validation if your payer is Medicaid)
Medicaid ID (key validation if your payer is Medicaid)
Task Start Date (mandatory)
Task End Date (mandatory)
Auth Units (mandatory)
Procedure Code (mandatory)
Procedure Code Modifier (mandatory)
Claim Errors (where available)
Claim Status (where available)
Response Status (where available)
Created Date (when the claim entry was added)
Last Response Date (received from payer)
Error Code (where available)
Error Description (where available)
Users can select, download, and print any combination of the data, as needed.
The Fieldworker platform supports multiple payers, and where allowed supports multiple lines of operations which may have different revenue management processes. This dashboard is a unified view of all payments received from Medicaid, even if the claims may not have been submitted using the Fieldworker.
The dashboard has the following columns.
Medicaid ID
First Name (of the customer)
Last Name (of the customer)
Prior Authorization
Start Date
End Date
Approved Units
Procedure Code
Auth Amount (from Prior Auth file, where available)
Approved Amount (from Remittance file, when available)
Claim Match Status (from the Remittance file, when available. This helps identify claims submitted outside the Fieldworker platform)
Claim Status (from Remittance file, when available)
Payment Date (where available)
Notes (where available. Users can edit and/or append a note)
Error Codes (from the Remittance file, where available)
Error Description (from Remittance file, where available)
Upload Date (received from payer)
Users can select, download, and print any combination of the data, as needed.
All Billing reports, relevant to your line of business, are accessible from this tab.
Billing Transaction report - listing all transactions
Claim Balance report - claims submitted via the Fieldworker, but not yet paid
Billing Outstanding Balance report - Outstanding balance aging
Claim Collection report - listing all outstanding claims
Prior Auth Utilization report - summary of revenue cycle
Service Authorization report - listing all authorizations for your company
Last updated
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