Create a Monitoring Tool using Fieldworker
Step by step directions to follow while using Fieldworker
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Step by step directions to follow while using Fieldworker
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If this is your first time logging into Fieldworker, you will receive an Onboarding Email from Fieldworker with a User ID and a First Time Password.
NOTE: Your User ID will not be your company Email.
You can either log in from the button listed Log in with these details or you can access the login portal here:
To sign in, select Sign in with Microsoft
After clicking the Sign in with Microsoft button, a window will appear with 2 options. Select the second option Use Another Account.
After clicking Use another account, enter the UserID that was listed in your email.
After clicking Next, please enter the One Time Password listed below the UserID from the Onboarding Email.
After clicking Sign In, there will be a request to change the password. The first line will be the One Time Password. Then, please enter a new password on the second line and confirm the password on the 3rd line.
After entering a new password and clicking Sign in, 2 Factor Authentication will be required. First, there will be a screen that states More information will be required. After clicking Next, you will be greeted with a screen that asks for a Microsoft Authenticator. Please select I want to use a different method listed in the bottom left of the screen.
Afterward, select the option for Email.
Timesheets are entered from the Home screen. When entering in timesheets into
in the top right corner of the screen.
The PROJECT is the customerโs DDD ID followed by their name. This will be automatically filled if you click the clock icon under a customerโs name.
The TASK TITLE is any description that you can add to the task completed. Typically this could be the customer's last name, activity completed and date.
The TASK TYPE is any serviceable activity.
The DATE is the date the task was completed
Lastly, the DURATION is the length of time spent on the task. Duration is entered as Hour:Minute (hh:mm). There is a drop-down for interval times of 15 minutes
After completing a timesheet entry There will be a task for that customer in the month of the contact date
in the top right corner.
Upload a file by clicking in the box that says Drop file here or click to upload. This will open your file explorer to locate your file.
Customer is the only drop-down needed. Select your customer name. You do not need to complete this step if you clicked the upload icon under the client name
Once these 2 steps are completed, click Upload File.
To ensure that the file was uploaded correctly, check by clicking the customerโs name highlighted in blue. This will change the screen to the Client screen. Then select File in the top middle of the screen.
To return to your previous screen, select Home
in the top left of the screen.
To start an MT, a Time will need to be linked. This can be completed by clicking the plus icon after entering in a timesheet.
After clicking the plus, it will turn into a blue check and a blue box will appear to the right saying COMPLETE THE FORM.
To unlink an MT, check the blue check mark next to the time entry.
Once COMPLETE THE FORM is clicked, a Monthly MT will appear. To change the MT to a Quarterly MT, change the Monthly in the top right corner of the form to Quarterly.
MTs will have pre-filled data. The data will retain customer information for the next MT that you complete. Monitoring Tool
This is clearly shown in section 1 where some fields are gray and cannot be changedโ
If any of the information in gray does not correctly display, please contact your administrator.
There will be asterisks (*) at the end of some of the Yes or No answers. When an answer is selected with an asterisk, a window will appear requiring a comment or follow-up item. To edit a comment or follow-up item, select the comment made at the bottom of the section.
When a field is completed the section title will appear in Blue. Before submitting an MT, please double-check all blue sections to ensure that the information entered is correct.
Follow-up items will be listed in Section 2. If this is the first MT completed for the customer in Fieldworker, Section 2 will be empty. To complete the follow-up items from the previous month, if the follow-up item for that question was resolved, answer Yes and move on to the next question. If the follow-up item was not resolved, answer No and enter in the follow-up item with any additional notes. This will appear in section 2 for the next month.
At the bottom of the form, there will be 4 buttons
The download will download the form as a Word document.
Print can either print the form or print to a pdf
Submit will ask you to double-check before submitting, after clicking an additional okay, the MT will be submitted to the MT approver.
Save and Close Saves the form and closes it.
AtAfter an MT is submitted, The MT will close and the Blue box that said COMPLETE THE FORM will now be gray saying WAITING FOR APPROVAL. At this time, the MT cannot be viewed or edited until it is returned approved or rejected.
When an MT is rejected, there will be 2 options to click.
This first is REJECTED, this will let you view your MT and read any notes that the MT approver listed as to why the form was rejected.
To update the MT and change any fields, click the RESUBMIT button.
An APPROVED MT will appear in green. By clicking the green approved, the MT can be selected by the blue underlined link to be downloaded or printed.
From your Fieldworker consumer screen find the consumer-approved MT you want to download to your local folder on your hard drive. Click on Approved.
A pop-up will appear with the document file name highlighted in blue. Click on the file name. See below.
This will open up the monitoring tool you want to save. Scroll down to the bottom of the monitoring tool and click on download. This will download a Word document of the monitoring tool to your download folder. See below.
Open the MT file you just downloaded. See below.
How do I rename the MT document, or save it in a different location?
If you have a different naming convention, and/or want to save it in a different location, select the print option, followed by 'print as pdf'.
This will open up your folder menu, allowing you to name the file and pick a location to save the Monitoring Tool in pdf format.
Fieldworker. This can be completed in 2 areas. The first will be a clock icon under the customer you would like to add time for. The other is the New Timesheet button
There are 2 ways to upload a file into Fieldworker. The first is by clicking the upload icon under a customerโs name or by clicking the upload button