Electronic Visit Verification
Quick overview of creating a task using the Fieldworker App, and checking into the location for EVV purposes.
EVV or Electronic Visit Verification verifies when provider visits occur and documents the precise time services begin and end. It ensures that people receive their authorized services.
As per the Cures Act, for EVV, there are 6 pieces of information that need to be collected. These are:
The type of service provided
The date the service was delivered
The individual receiving the service
The individual providing the service
The start and end times of the service
The location where the service was delivered.
Fieldworker and EVV
FieldWorker makes EVV compliance easy with simple check-in and out features that record all the data needed. Various states have different timelines for requiring EVV, which is why weโve designed this feature to be quick and simple to implement. For states requiring EVV, such as New Jersey, the information shown here is sent from FieldWorker to consolidators to provide the necessary information for payment to be received.
Capture all the right information
When you arrive at a visit, you'll be able to check in and out via the FieldWorker mobile app through the task itself. By checking in and out for each visit in the mobile app, the exact time and duration of each visit are recorded. Additionally, all other relative information needed for EVV records is recorded.
Quickly check-in and out for visits
No forgetting to update details for each visit or having to spend time tediously updating paperwork! FieldWorker is designed for the mobile workforce on the go. Press the button in-app when you arrive and leave. It's that simple.
Multiple locations for visits <New>
The Fieldworker app now supports multiple locations that can be added to a task. Your staff, may then, check in to any of the associated locations, and/or checkout from the same, or a different location that is also associated with the task. This will allow your staff to use EVV for tasks that start and end at different locations.
Multiple modes for client verifications <New>
The new Fieldworker mobile apps now allow customer signatures and even a voice confirmation of the delivery of the service. The additional modes for verification will allow your agency to work with even more clients with different disabilities.
Always be prepared for audits
FieldWorker ensures that your records are up-to-date at all times, no extra effort is needed. Whenever your agency's next audit is, you can rest assured that your records will be ready.
Doing this automatically records the information set out above โ as this is either stored as information about the task in your database already or in the case of time and location, automatically captured when you tap on check-in or out.
Implementing EVV
If you have not already done so, tell the Fieldworker Customer Success team that you are going to be using EVV (via HHAX) so we can assign a staff to work with you. There are several steps to implementation:
Contact HHAX
Prepare Fieldworker
Fieldworker interface for HHAX
Daily Operations
Log File
Contact HHAX
Contact HHAX and set your account up.
If you already have an HHAX account, we still recommend contacting them to ensure they know that your account will be utilizing the Fieldworker app; they may have some special instructions for your agency.
Setting up Fieldworker
There are several settings in Fieldworker that must be configured before sending data to HHAX including Company Settings, Service Code Master List, Client Personal Data, Caregiver Personal Data, Payors, Tasks, and more.
Company Settings
There are a couple of things to establish in Company Settings (Configure > Company Settings.)
Company Information Tab
Add your Tax ID (TIN/EIN) is entered in the Tax ID field.
The Tax ID should be entered with no dashes like the example below.
Service Code Master List
For each Service Code to be used by these clients, add procedure codes into Alternate Descriptions.
For instance, T1005 is an example of a procedure code for Respite Agency/RESP/Respite Care.
Some agencies create separate service codes just for HHAX clients and/or specific Payors.
Refer to the HHAX user guide for the correct codes: New Jersey (This opens a new tab. Click EDI Process on the left, then click on the Technical Specifications link.)
Payor: Enter the Payor ID (This is supplied by HHAX) in the ID field within the Payor Information tab.
Refer to the HHAX user guides above for valid Payor IDs. Below is a list of the MCO Payer IDs.
Caregiver Personal Data
There are a couple of things to establish in Employee Settings (Configure > Employee Settings.)
Social Security Number (SSN) is required. Note: For SSNs with leading 0s, Fieldworker does not send the SSN to HHAX with the leading 0s. You will want to confirm the SSN on file in Fieldworker matches what is listed in HHAX's system. (You may need to remove the leading 0s in HHAX so the two systems match).
Professional License Number is required: Enter this into the Caregiver NPI field in Fieldworker.
NPI: Enter this into the Caregiver State License field in Fieldworker.
Hire Date: Required.
Date of Birth: Required
Email: Required
Gender: Required
Phone Number: Required
Home Address including State and Zip code: Required
Client Personal Data
There are a couple of things to establish in Customer Settings (Configure > Employee Settings.)
Client First Name and Last Name: Required
Client Phone Number: Required
Client Address: Required
Client Diagnosis Code: Required
Medical Record Number: This is the Client's Medicaid ID (This is a REQUIRED field. This MUST be the Medicaid ID, not the MCO Client ID or any other number).
Assign Payor and Procedure Code. On the additional payors tab, select the payors appropriate for the client and assign procedure codes. Then click Assign to Payor, enter the procedure code, put a checkmark by the Payor, and click Assign. If desired you can also select or remove all.
Tasks (Duties)
Add required tasks to schedules with HHAX payors. New Jersey has a specific list of acceptable tasks (duties) to use.
Fieldworker Interface with HHAX
We help you set up the interface during training. Find the HHAX Interface under the Interfaces menu at the top of the Home Screen. This will only appear after you contact us and we turn the HHAX Interface on for your agency.
Go to the Settings tab. Complete these fields based on information provided by HHAX. To ensure the credentials are entered and work properly:
Enter the Client ID provided by HHAX
Enter Client Secret provided by HHAX
Click Save
Daily Operations
Every hour, Fieldworker sends completed tasks with no exceptions. On a daily basis, we strongly recommend that you:
Review EVV schedules. Resolve Exceptions and Confirm Schedules.
Review the Log File on the EVV page in Fieldworker and correct errors.
(Optional) You can manually export clients, caregivers, and visits as desired. Manual exporting is not normally required but may be used if directed to do so by Fieldworker support.
Timesheets must have the entries. Be sure to follow the best practice by creating Timesheets.
HHAX usually takes at least 30 minutes or longer to process data.
Once processed, the results are in the Log Tab.
For every task that is not automatically confirmed by the EVV process, you must add an exception plus a reason and resolution.
The Exception is the fact that the task was not automatically confirmed by the EVV process. Exceptions may be flagged for you by Fieldworker.
Reasons answer the question, "Why is there no electronic login or logout?"
The resolution (actions) answers the question, "How did you resolve the reason?" For example, if the caregiver forgot to check out, you maintain written documentation about speaking with the caregiver and client to verify that the caregiver was in fact working with the client.
Error codes do not always come from HHAX; instead, they may come from the MCO or Payor. As a result, you might see two of the same codes from two different payors referring to two different things. You must work directly with the MCO or Payor to understand the codes; HHAX and/or Fieldworker cannot help you with them at all. Some error codes we've seen:
101012 Member is not found based on qualifier value.
This typically means that the Medicaid ID sent on the visit for the member does not match to the Medicaid ID HHAX has received from the payer for that member.
101013 Member is not active.
Contact the MCO and determine why the member is not active.
101014 Multiple member records found based on qualifier value. Please provide unique identifier.
This can happen if there are multiple profiles for a client in HHAX. One may be marked "active" and the other "inactive;" however, there may not be a discharge date attached to that inactive one. Open a ticket with HHAX who can discharge the inactive client.
101017 Caregiver is not found based on qualifier value.
This error typically indicates that the visit was sent to HHAX before the Caregiver's information has arrived at HHAX. The Caregiver must always be in HHAX before visits are sent. Check the Caregiver to ensure that the SSN is correct, then manually send Caregivers to HHAX. Wait until the Caregiver is in HHAX and then resend the visit(s;) the visits may also resend on their own.
101021 Visit cannot be greater than 25 hours.
Change the length of the shift to be less than 25 hours.
101028 There is no active contract for this visit.
This typically means that the member is not eligible or does not have active authorization for the visit sent. Contact the MCO to ask about the status of any authorizations for this member that would cover the visit date.
101031 EVVMSID not found.
Contact Fieldworker support for assistance with this error.
101052 Once EVV clock in/out is completed then change in EVV clock in/out is not allowed in subsequent requests.
Delete the visit and resubmit.
101078 Edit visit reason code is required.
This can occur if a manual login/logout exists. Correct the visit reason code and resubmit. If the error persists, contact Fieldworker support.
101081 Edit visit action code is required.
This can occur if a manual login/logout exists. Correct the visit reason code and resubmit. If the error persists, contact Fieldworker support.
101085 Another visit is using the same time in full or in part.
Overlapping shifts are not allowed. Correct times so they do not share the same time frame.
Contact HHAX. This error happens because of a configuration update required by HHAX.
The Billing Export is done when you wish. Do not send billing to HHAX until you have verified 1) the visit is in HHAX and 2) there are no errors on the visit in the HHAX logs in Fieldworker. To generate a successful Billing, the following steps must be completed first:
Last updated
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